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Усилия в направлении устойчивого развития набирают обороты в соответсвии с возрастающими требованиями рынка.

Over the past 60 years, legislative requirements have been the main factor stimulating the efforts of processing enterprises in the field of environmental protection. However, recently, an important role has been played by brand owners with significant experience in sustainable development, who are placing greater demands on their suppliers with regard to the environmental aspect.

“At present, it is clear that sustainable development issues are central and this trend will continue. We also see that our customers’ interest in sustainable development and their experience in this field is constantly growing, ”says Johan Granås, Director for Sustainable Development of Iggesund Paperboard, summing up the company’s work in the field of sustainable development in 2019. “Therefore, I am pleased to report that in 2019 we took a number of important steps in the right direction.”

Two Iggesund paperboard factories in Iggesund (Sweden) and Workington (England) report on progress made in reducing climate impacts and water consumption, as well as on fantastic successes in ensuring occupational safety throughout of the year.

Of particular note is the success of the Factory in Workington, which achieved record-breaking Incada cardboard production in 2019 without losing a single working time due to work-related injuries.

“Many years of systematic work to improve working conditions and industrial safety, carried out by the factory, without a doubt, has paid off and brings fantastic results! A zero indicator of work-related injuries leading to temporary disability at the Workington factory in 2019 is a great example for our corporate environment, ”says Granos, who is clearly impressed by this figure.

Regarding climate impacts, Iggesund Paperboard has invested more than £ 320 million since 2012 in a program to convert energy systems of its factories from fossil fuels to bioenergy, a work that has yielded significant results and in 2019, factory energy was more than 90% bioenergy . Therefore, Iggesund packaging board factories continue to exhibit an extremely low carbon footprint.

“Our long-term goal is to completely move away from the use of fossil fuels, and we have already made significant progress in this regard,” says Granos.

In 2019, the Iggesund factory was able to reduce energy consumption by about 90 GWh, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of 3,500 private houses in Sweden. In general, the factory produced Invercote brand cardboard using energy, which is 98.6% bioenergy, which led to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

The past year has proved that technology, machinery and equipment are far from everything. The Iggesund factory is making efforts to build awareness among factory energy workers that some of their decisions also affect the climate, and encourages them to take this aspect into account when setting goals. It definitely gives good results.

“We always said that cardboard is not made by cars, but by people. And we use the same approach to solve the problem of greenhouse gases, ”says Johan Granos.

“We are incredibly proud of the responsibility with which our employees approach these issues! We are conducting trainings to raise employee awareness, and the debate on climate change in recent years has certainly sharpened the focus on this issue, ”he continues. “But even though we are taking serious measures, and that a further reduction in the use of fossil fuels as we approach the 100 percent mark is becoming more and more difficult, we have only one way, and this is the way forward.” Climate impact is on its way not only due to the work of cardboard factories .. Transport is becoming an increasingly significant problem for the sustainable development of Iggesund Paperboard. In general, in comparison with other enterprises of the pulp and paper industry, cardboard production by Invercote and Incada leaves a relatively low carbon footprint. It is the transportation of finished cardboard to the consumer that accounts for the largest share in the climate load in the overall cardboard production cycle. Customers in Asia and America are wondering how cardboard shipping from Sweden to Japan or the United States can be a good choice given the impact on the climate.

«Our calculations show that this is currently a problem that needs to be solved. As other factories gradually switch to bioenergy, we must reduce our own emissions from transporting goods in order to maintain leadership,» says Granos. He adds that Iggesund is working with its logistics providers to find alternative transportation solutions and further reduce emissions.

Regarding water consumption, large-scale projects are currently being implemented in both factories. Last year, the Iggesund plant reduced water consumption by about 10 percent, but Granos said the company is not yet completely satisfied with the results.

“We can still reduce water consumption at the Iggesund factory. Historically, our water consumption was relatively high, no doubt precisely because for over 100 years our production has never suffered due to water shortages. We are located in an area abundant in water. ”

Both Iggesund cardboard mills are now taking decisive action in this direction. It is expected that their ongoing projects in the complex will lead to a significant reduction in water consumption in 2020.

“In 2020, we will make even more efforts in key areas of sustainable development — labor protection, reducing the negative impact on the climate and water consumption — to still meet the high market requirements for sustainable development indicators,” promises Johan Granos.

О Iggesund

Iggesund Paperboard входит в состав шведской группы продукции лесной промышленности Holmen, одной из ста наиболее стабильных компаний в мире, представленной в Глобальном договоре ООН. Оборот Iggesund составляет 500 млн евро, а основной продукт под названием Invercote продается в более чем 100 странах. Компания имеет два основных брендовых направления, Invercote и Incada, продукция обоих этих брендов позиционируются как в высшей степени качественной в соответствующих сегментах рынка. С 2010 г. компания Iggesund инвестировала более 380 млн евро в повышение энергоэффективности и снижение выбросов вредных веществ в процессе производства.

Iggesund и Holmen Group передают все свои отчеты о выбросах углекислого газа в атмосферу специалистам проекта Carbon Disclosure Project. Данные о воздействии на окружающую среду являются основной частью годового отчета, который полностью соответствует требованиям устойчивости развития Глобальной инициативы по отчетности. Iggesund была основана как металлообрабатывающая компания в 1685 г., но уже в течение более 50 лет занимается производством картона. Два завода, расположенные в северной Швеции и северной Англии, насчитывают 1500 штатных сотрудников.

Контактная информация:

Iggesund Paperboard

Therese Rahm, Communication Manager,

Iggesund Paperboard, +46 70 595 56 10,


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Усилия в направлении устойчивого развития набирают обороты в соответсвии с возрастающими требованиями рынка.

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